Inner God / Highest creator with you / Sacred battery of human

To go straight to the point, all human already have creator deity who made the Universe.
God is already with you.
This story is not a metaphor.
God created human because it wanted to see self.
(I sometimes call God "it" because there is no gender in the highest God)
And it has been enjoying parenting and watching human's good-changes of heart.
Interestingly enough, a reason of human creation is just same to your parent'.

The Universe = The Creator = The highest level of God = Distributed energies to all human
That means everything is a reflection of God.(Mirror phenomenon)

The energy ball (life battery) is called Naizai-Shin, Ubusuna-no-Kami or Amenominkanushi in Japan's myth.
The name depends on the situation.
It stays in your right side chest only while you are living.

People except Japanese still believe that God exists somewhere else.