Meaning of numbers / History and prophecy / Numerology in Japan

Especially in Japan, there are many tricks in each number or word.
Meaning of numbers is called Kazu-tama/Suu-rei.
Word's spiritual energy is called Koto-dama.

Sometimes Gods teach people something using numbers.
Roughly speaking, even number's energy is plus. Yang. 
Odd number's energy is minus. Yin. 
Only opposite things or combination make something new.

This is the highest and final number.
A top dimension is eleven. 
God of the Universe / Amenominaka-nushi in Shinto, Nature worship / 11 faces God in Buddhism
The creator God are divided into all the people's right side chest.
There is a invisible ball in each human. It is a kind of battery and called Naizai-shin in Japan.
What disturbs your divinity is own ego.

God created human being because he/she wanted to see self.
(The highest God has no gender)
So, when people try to feel the God, they end up seeing people around them.
Mount Haku in Japan has 11's energy.

God of the Sun. Amaterasu-Ohomikami in Shinto.
Ultimate motherhood. Only giving something.
Top God in Shinto in current civilization. 
10 is pronounced "Jyuu" or "Toh" in Japan.
(There is a little trick. Jew-ish, Toh/Far away)

Huge turning point.
Message from the number is "You have to know it".
End of old systems, vertical society, money, and material body.
 "Why don't people understand the truth?"
Human's chromosome number.
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old.
Gods have been waiting human's "whole enlightenment".
They are tired of waiting.
7th stage for human is getting worse.

Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake  5:46
9/11/2001  8:46
(For getting oil, this was caused on purpose by US. US knows up-coming ice age)
Great East-Japan Earthquake 14:46
In Japan, big earthquake tend to happen in anti-Japan administration.
I mean, there are so many assemblyman from China or Korea.

Great Kanto Earthquake  1923/9/1 
 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake  1995/1/17
Great East-Japan Earthquake  2011/3/11
Every number was odd. (The chance is 1/512)