Sacred agents for pregnancy / Ubusuna and Ujigami / Nature gods

"Children are given by nature gods."
The Japanese concept is absolutely right.
Your life was given by local area's nature gods and your all ancestors.
Parent are the nearest ancestors.
Our all cells of body are made from all our ancestors.
You are a condensation energy of all your ancestors.
But you couldn't be born without nature gods.

Local nature gods are called Ujigami in Japan.
Of course there are Ujigami not only in Japan,but also all over the world because there are nature all over the world.
In Japan,Ujigami shrine means the nearest shrine from each home.
(Shinto shrine is worship place for nature)
We visit Ujigami shrine to cherish the local area and worship gods of local nature.
Human's gratitude feeling/thinking for nature makes nature gods happy and strong.
Then,nature gods can protect the local area.
Meanwhile,Ubusuna shrine is a self-first shrine that gave life to us.
(Ubusuna means nature gods too)
People had a meeting with Ubusuna nature gods before we were born.
At the meeting,we decided our body condition/health and future parents.

Generally,each person has two different shrine.
Ujigami shrine for current life,and Ubusuna shrine as a original shrine of life.
(If you have ever moved from the first home,Ujigami and Ubusuna are same.)
Although I was raised in the northern Japan Hokkaido,
my Ubusuna first shrine was in Tokyo because my mother had lived in Tokyo while she was pregnant.
A fertilized egg,individual spirit and nature god's power are combined.
Mother's morning sickness is a practical union-process of the three things.

My current Ujigami = Local area's nature gods in NY,USA because I am living in NY now.
My Ubusuna = Local area's nature gods of Tokyo.(It never changes)
Ujigami is changeable if you move home but Ubusuna is never changed in my whole life.
But important shrine/nature gods are not Ubusuna nature gods or Ubusuna shrine.
Your current living place's nature gods are more important than Ubusuna.
I mean a current place's nature is more important than my past place.
Because Ubusuna nature god already stays with you.

In Japanese dictionary,it is said that Ubusuna is tutelary deity of one's birthplace.
Strictly speaking,it is not appropriate.
Mother's living area while she was pregnant = Under the control of Ubusuna local gods = Baby's Ubusuna

Sacred nature god has accompanied with you since you were born.
You have nature god in your left-side chest.
When you die,nature god and you will be separated.
You are combined with nature god during only in the Earth with your body.
The other hand,there is your spirit/soul in your right side chest.

By the way,Ubusuna means "soil of birthplace" in Japanese language.
Soil and it's myxomycete have strong relationship with birth rate.
Sake rice wine and Shinto / Necessity of nature worship / Microbe protection

People can't get pregnant in high-rise apartments.
Please stay about 1-4th floor as much as possible if you want to welcome baby.

Self root worship is Japanese Shinto's concept.
Some people think that God is something special exist or something.
All nature is God.God is nature.
All things are connected originally.
We are already in God.

And the nature and ancestors are not separated
because they were born from the Earth's energy of nature.
Past all your ancestors are your gods and your spiritual guardians.