There are two strong mantra in Japan.
Gods have been thinking that this material world's "Happy ending" with the sacred words.
1, Ikashite itadaite Arigatou gozaimasu.
2, Amaterasu Ohomikami. (2 times)
This means
1, Thank God for my/our life.
(Everything has been given)
(Everything has been given)
2, God of the Sun.
1 has very strict and majestic power of sward. (Man, vertical)
2 is eternal motherhood. (Woman, horizontal)
Try saying 1 and 2 in Japanese language. The energy purifies everything even inside of your messy mind. You don't have to meditate.
Some Japanese people use the spell in their hearts.
Or they recite that in a daily ritual for own ancestors.
Waka is a type of Japanese classical poetry.
It contains 31 syllables.
When old nobility present own Waka, they pronounced it very slowly.
Japanese language focus on 5 vowels and there is no syllable of consonant.
That is a big difference between Japanese and other all languages.
This Waka represents his victory against snake monster and his new house to protect his wife.
"Ya ku mo ta tsu, I zu mo ya he ga ki, Tsu ma go mi ni
Ya he ga ki tsu ku ru, So no ya he ga ki wo"