Imperial regalia of Japan / Three treasures / Sanshu no Jingi

These are sample image of imperial treasures are called Sanshu no Jingi.
These treasures were derived from the Mars.
There was a high civilization on the Mars.
It ruined by two critical bombs of self-destruction war.

The mirror is Amaterasu Ohomikami (Goddess of the Sun) herself
and stored inside of Naiku shrine of Ise Jingu.
Naiku is a worship place for the Sun.
It was made of Obsidian from meteorite, very heavy weight and carved chrysanthemum of 16 petals.
The material is almost the same as Black Stone of Islam.

According to Japan's myth,
Amaterasu gave the treasures to her grandson, Ninigi, when he landed on the Earth.
So, 3 things are evidence of direct descendant of her.
"This mirror is me" 
It meant that this world's only rule is "What goes around comes around".
Reflection = You are me/I am we
Japan's imperial crest, Kikka-Monshou was derived from the mirror.
YATA was one of pronunciation of Yahweh in Japan.
Ancient, oldest Hebrew language is written on the sacred mirror.
"God with you" and
"The person who has the mirror is a responsible-person of God"
Herod's gate has the same crest.

After WW2, military police of US inspected the mirror at ISE.
So, they were not able to stop Japan's imperial system.

Jewel means 6. Six is a hexagon.
Hexagon is basic shape of the universe.
Honey comb/Turtle's shell/Star of David
The color is blue-green and same to the Polaris.
Polaris star is Star of David.
Jewel = Tsukuyomi god = God of the night/moon

The sword represents a shape of Japanese island.
Also, the sword means Susanoo himself.
Tsukuyomi and Susanoo are two sides of the same coin.
They are same one God.
Sword means forced purification too.
It destroys all bad things.

If these treasure are put in the same place, these will illumine.
Until Emperor Sujin's period(BC145-),
the treasures and Emperor were living together in Nara prefecture.

 Japan already has become new imperial era.
Reiwa period May 1 2019 - 
On April 18, as a last official visit, Emperor Akihito worshiped Ise Jingu,Grand shrine of Ise, before his retirement.
Akihito,Sword and Jewel met Mirror inside of Naiku.(Video 2:29~)
Top shaman of Ise Jingu is his daughter Sayako.(Video 3:20~)
As a nature worship leader,Emperor(father) and Princess(daughter) are two sides of the same coin.

Our Emperor is not a symbol of Japan.
Queen bee of the Earth.
When the top leave a nest, all other people have no mean to live.
Elizabeth 2 knows about it.