Ancient main shrine of Izumo-Taisha / Three pillars foundation / Sacrifice people

This is a model of ancient main shrine of Izumo-Taisha.
It is said the height was over 48 meters.

Current main shrine (24 meters)
Izumo shrine's crest is a hexagon. It means a turtle in Japan.

Oldest huge wood foundation of three pillars were found in 2000.
Three big pillars were tied as one pillar.

Actual size model and location in current Izumo-Taisha main shrine.

3 is basic number in Shinto.
Ancient Torii, a gate of shrine was three pillars architecture.
Three pillars Torii is called Mihashira-Torii.
Ancient Jewish people brought the architecture to Japan.

Variety of Torii

In Shinto/Nature worship, a set of three pillars mean a man.
Legs and male genitalia = 2+1
Men's erection is very energetic and essential power for next generation.

3 is important in prime numbers.
First 3 Gods in Japan's mythology = Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo

Before the huge shrine was built, local people had lived in peace.
But a local leader who had divinity of Ookuninishi (descendant of Susanoo) was killed by non Japanese people from neighborhood country.
They already killed many Japanese before that.
There are some similar stories of strong enemy from other places.

 In myth, below real enemies or troubles were written as one story Yamata-no-Orochi. (Red eyes 8 heads monster)
8 headed snake monster who suck human blood.
Chinese Orushe tribe's descendants with new metal sword.
Always flooding Kuzuryu-river (9 dragon heads river).

Susanoo killed the snake monster and took a special sword from its tail.
He "gave" it to his sister Amaterasu.

Old Orushe tribes ruined Japan's super ancient mountain worship, called Hakusan-Shinkoh
Killing and making Japanese slaves, Orushe's descendants occupied southern Japan gradually.
 Ookuninushi fought with them and finally, ruined their base in Mount Haku.
He recovered Japan-control and "gave" it to a group of Japan.

Museum of Izumo-Taisha history.

Photos by wikipedia