Giant log ritual in Nagano, Japan / Suwa Taisha Shrines / Onbashira-Sai movie

Photo by wikipedia
Suwa Taisha locates around the Lake Suwa in Nagano,Japan,
and it is composed of four shrines.

Nagano prefecture 

Lake Suwa locates in the middle of Nagano prefecture.

ABCD = A group of Suwa Taisha
M = Mount Moriya
A(Harumiya shrine), B(Akimiya shrine) C(Honmiya shrine) D(Maemiya shrine)
Lake Suwa exists in very special location.
Dotted line represents Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic line.
 Regular line represents Japan Median Tectonic line.

Japan's two big important faults are crossing at the Lake Suwa.
Red line is Median Tectonic line 
Pink shaded region is Fossa Maguna,bounded by the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic line(western blue line).

There is a big crossed faults in Japan like this → ×
I think Japanese culture is also divided by these lines.

There is an interesting festival of Suwa Taisha.
Onbashira-sai is a pillar-replacing festival held every 6 years.
(2016 was the festival year. April-May 2016)

The highlight is men's sliding down a steep slope
although main purpose of this festival is replacing old pillars around each shrine.
Pillar worship was very primitive world-common worship.
The root is derived from Mount Haku in Japan.
⇒ Three pillars / Super ancient worship / Root of Shinto

Generally, pillar and mountain means men or male genitalia.(Other photos)
All human came from that vital energy of own father.

Some people died because it is a dangerous festival.

In Japan, we call a pillar "Hashira".
This pronunciation was derived from ASHERAH goddess of Sumer civilization.
Photo by wikipedia
In Books of Kings chapter 6,
People delivered big tree pillars from mountain of Lebanon to Jerusalem.
And then, people built Solomon's Temple.