Japanese culture / Examples of offering to ancestors / OBON week in August

Offering items for ancestors or divine existences are called Osonae(Osonae-mono) in Japan.
Japanese people prepare offerings for ancestors during OBON week.
And display them in front of home grave Butsudan.
You don't have to buy all kinds of offerings but 
people prepare OBON goods as much as possible.

The above vegetable animals are Shouryou-Uma.
Vehicle for ancestors.(Courtesy car)
Horse means quickness.Because they want to visit the world faster.
And then they enjoy the real world for a while.
Watching descendant's life,eating their favorite foods...
After that,they have to back to the another world by using a eggplant cow.
Cow means slowness.Because they miss the world.
It is said that ancestors ride the horse to visit this world
Practically,ancestors are able to visit this material world from an another world
without vegetable animals
but spending time and effort 
This is just a fairy-story but making vegetable animals means "spending time and effort".
It is very important to ancestors.
Horse means quickness.Because they want to visit the world faster.
And then they enjoy the real world for a while.
Watching descendant's life,eating their favorite foods...
After that,they have to back to the another world by using a eggplant cow.
Cow means slowness.Because they miss the world.
People have to prepare new vegetable animals every day if they put them on Butsudan table.
I mean vegetable animals must be always new during OBON week
to avoid rotting.

Horse and cow.Made of straw.

Bukka is a bouquet for dead people.(Always includes chrysanthemum)

Bon-Chouchin,Lanterns for dead people.(Welcome and farewell lights)

Beautiful Bon-gashi (Tighten sugar,syrup and rice powder)
and ground cherries as welcome and farewell lights for ancestors.

Ancestors do love Ohagi/Botamochi.
This sweets is made from sticky rice and red bean paste.
Both ingredients are spiritually important.
We dedicate Ohagi to ancestors in special day such as Obon,
Spring&Autumn equinox,and death anniversary of family.

Display of offerings for ancestors in Japan (Photos)
We need to put offerings on the table not on the floor.
You don't have to buy expensive table for ancestors.
True ancestor worship is created by your "routine" ritual by three incense sticks.

Effective ancestor worship for your future / How to perform

Japanese style ancestor worship is a kind of white magic.
There is no side effect.Please try it.
It definitely changes your life better.
Because it includes treatment of your gene
and it helps/saves your ancestors in case they are in not good place of an another world.
If they relieved from sufferings,they are able to protect descendants with spiritual power.
20% / Help from your ancestors / Feel the love
Your 80% of good fortune is created by your practical efforts and good thinking,
but last 20% luck depends on your ancestor's situation.
It is true.