Never commit suicide / Truth about suicide / 3D dream

Many people think that dead people's spirits are in peace.
But it depends on each spirit's level of conscience.
Kind person's spirit go to the world of kindness.
Mean person's spirit go to the world of meanness.
Levels are strictly classified.Higher level person is able to visit to see someone in lower classes,
but lower person can't visit higher places than self.
You can meet various kinds of people only in the world.(Earth)
To improve yourself.

Your mind and feeling never die.
Your spirit's final goal is letting go your ego out of your spirit.
As long as you have ego,you will be forced to be re-born again.

Committing suicide is a serious crime in spiritual point of view.
After suicide,sad and hard feeling will be fixed semi-permanently in a freezing blizzard weather.It is a kind of Hell.
And all suicide people are suffering from heavy heavy guilty conscience.
There are main two reasons.
1,Life is very changeable,so I didn't have to commit suicide.
I thought I can't change my hard situation.But it was not!
2,Killing self is killing god.
My life was given by god.I waste the precious life.

We all have sacred common piece of god in each body.(In right side of chest)
It is a sacred battery of human.(Inner god)
Human spirit/mind + Given battery + Given body from ancestors = Your precious Birth
You were born because you wished it in front of god.
Suicide is breach of contract.

You may think people in sad situation are very poor thing,
so we should not blame them even if sad people commit suicide.
No.Don't commit suicide.
Sad and hard situation is just a dream.
The Earth is a dream stage for human.
God created human because God wanted to see self 
and final aim for human is realizing about self sacredness.
And realizing about all things are "given".

Do not forget about this world is very changeable
and the another world is a fixed world.
You have to wait for a long time to re-born at least 50 years.

You are protected by your ancestors who are in peace.
But suicide person and lower class ancestors can't protect descendants because it is beyond their capacity.

To save poor ancestors,
please dedicate thank for them like this
"I am able to live now because you existed and did your best"
This special ritual is not only for your ancestors
but also your dead relatives,friends and concerned people you don't know.

By the way,you looks like a sacred lighthouse for dead people
if you do the ritual.
They are waiting for true memorial service.

Q: I always visit my suicide mother's grave to heal her.
Also,I always think about her.
Is it not enough for her?
Your warm heart is not meaningless but
your spirit already know that she is not in peace.
So you are always worried about her unconsciously.
If your mother settles in peace, you will forget about her.

Just visiting one's grave is not perfect solution for poor people in another world.
You just show a photograph of feast for poor people but they can't eat the picture.
Correct ritual makes them really happy.
You don't have to believe it.
But I want you to try it.