You are the condensation of all your ancestors.
You have all your ancestor's information (DNA) in your body.
After death,people still can't go the another world or death world.
Bardo term (49days) will be started.(Beginning of Invisible side of life)
People have to watch their whole life video that they've already done.
Everyone surprises about the situation
because they think that life has done.
Then,people will go to the totally classified world of Death.
It depends on the value of your life in visible world.(Earth)
The value means what you did to other people.
Of course you have to care of you as the first priority,
but what you did to others is also very important to decide your level in the Death world.
Especially,thinking and well-treating about dead people (your ancestors) will
change your place in Death world.
You can definitely go to nearly heaven.
But you can heal dead ancestors only in the Earth time.
Your life is not only for current life time.
You are creating the future place after your death.
Thinking about invisible people,your ancestors.
It shows your high-level of spirit.
Stupid person never think about it.
Mercy for dead or weak side of people.
To reach the high-level of spirit,
all people are repeating many lives in the Earth.
Also,you can't talk about God without your ancestors.
There is the God who created the Universe.
And all humankind have the particle in body.
About Japanese most important ritual for ancestors is already summarized in my past post.
Please refer the post again and again.
There are many things you have to follow.
Don't do the ritual by your own rule because it will be dangerous in spiritual point of view.
Follow the safe rule.
Your all ancestors are waiting for the correct ritual.
Butsudan is a home ritual for ancestors and it is very effective.
Correct spiritual care for invisible exists will reduce your extra handicaps.
You can live your life more freely.
Only some Japanese people know the correct manner.
Most of ceremonies for dead people are not enough and not correct.
I mean these are limited ritual for limited people.
As long as you have same family line (DNA) with your dead ancestors,
you are belong to the line's magnetism.
Each family line has both bad and good memories.
Bad memories influence minds of descendants.
Today,I'll introduce bad or prohibited matters in Butsudan ritual again.
Because some people who did incorrect ritual will feel bad after the ritual.
Butsudan ritual is not just a Japanese habit.
My Butsudan set.
Sometimes I dedicate desserts or fruits for ancestors.
(Only during the ritual time/30min.Do not put them on the table always)
But these foods are not so necessary.
Because incense smoke changes into ancestor's favorite things or foods.
Important thing is Butsudan's basic style.
I am sorry but just thinking about dead people can't help them.
Why are there suffering people in death world side?
You can help them gradually in the correct ritual.
Main prohibited matters in Butsudan ritual
1,Do not use thin paper for paperboard.
Use Japanese Tanzaku↓ or handmade firm board only.
2,After you write your name on the paperboard,
do not touch it by bare hands as much as possible.
Use paper or groves to touch it.
You can use the paperboard forever as long as it is neat.
Your children,grand children will use it.
(Of course they can also make self original paperboard)
You can replace it whenever it has stain or you make it dirty by mistake.
In daily ritual,your paperboard will get smoky color gradually,
the stain is no problem.
Please be careful about other accidental stains.
Do not wipe the stains on the paperboard.
Please replace it when you mind it.
3,Do not use a too low table,rollaway style,or folding table.
Appropriate height's table is needed.
(30cm-50cm height)
To be continued...