Japanese greeting gift culture / Ochu-gen and Oseibo / Seasonal postcards

 Ochu-gen is a big summer gift culture during early July.
All department stores,supermarkets,and other stores sell Ochu-gen,
and people are able to buy it even on internet store.
Especially,company and office send it to their customer companies each other.
Or people send it to their parents in law,
So, Ochu-gen is a little bit of polite and pretentious gift culture.Not between friends.
I think general price range is 3,000-7,000 yen.

In December,these gifts are called Oseibo.
Oseibo is more important because it is a gift for end of the year.
A little more expensive gifts are chosen.

Most people send gifts by delivery service,
but some people visit home to bring it by self.
Furoshiki,a Japanese useful wide handkerchief, is suitable to bring gifts.
It looks very elegant and beautiful.
Of course those fabric pattern and color depend on each season.
In winter,people choose more dark color Furoshiki.

Summer greeting cards are called Shochu-mimai.
There are so many beautiful Shochu-mimai cards in Japan.(Photos)
You can find these cards in every stationery store if you visit Japan now.
Late-summer greeting cards are called Zansho-mimai.
Generally,those summer card culture has no strict rules
But New year cards (Nengajyou) is not so easy.
We all have to send them politely and neatly to all concerned people and relatives.
Some people or companies can't send and accept Nengajyou if they are in mourning term.
So they need to inform people that sad event in advance.
Sometimes winter greeting cards,Kanchu-mimai, are sent instead of Nengajyou.(Just after a New year card's term)

When I was a child,Ochu-gen and Oseibo are wonderful events to me.
I always enjoyed eating some expensive desserts like a set of cup jelly or tasty cookies.
But sometimes I was disappointed with a set of soaps and detergents.
Kids need sweets.