Butsudan TV commercial / Butsudan business / DNA treatment

Butsudan is kind of Japanese grave in our house.
Although we have stone graves in cemetery/graveyard,
but inside graves are more important than outside graves.
Because we have to care house grave every morning.
Outside grave is difficult to care if we are in terrible weather.

This short movie is Butsudan store TV commercial in Japan.
General Butsudan is not so gorgeous like this but some people have expensive Butsudan table.

To tell the truth,expensive Butsudan table is no need.
Because it is cultural business of Butsudan goods store and self-satisfied item.
Important things are descendant's DNA line from their ancestors,correct way of ritual,and merciful heart for weak people.
There are suffering ancestors in every family line.
Because some people were not able to go to peaceful level in another world.
Only Butsudan ritual can change their situation definitely.
Down to Up.

Look at my simple Butsudan table.

Total cost $20(table,paper board,board holder,white ash bowl)
 plus a incense box $7-8 for about two months.

This plain and simple table is enough to take care for my dead ancestors.
I always dedicate three fired-incense sticks a day.
Incense smoke is kind of spiritual ectoplasm/strong magnetism.
It makes ancestors suffering feelings calm.
You have all ancestors DNA(information) in your body.
So,you are always feeling your parents and dead ancestor's feeling unconsciously.
Suffering ancestors make you sad or depression.
Depression is easy to care in Butsudan ritual.
In Butsudan ritual,there are many good influence as a result.
Depression/strange sexual habits/obsession...and all other diseases will be cured.
Healthy people can get more positive power from ancestors,and they will get
better way of life without useless trouble.

If you have suffering ancestors,it means clogged DNA line.
You can't get enough power from power root.
This is one of the reason of depression,other disease,or troubles.
Of course we do Butsudan ritual for not ourselves.
It is perfect respect worship for all ancestors.
All our ancestors had lived in severe social situation than us.
Please think about it.

In true effective Butsudan manner,you don't need expensive things and rosary(praying beads).
Rosary is needed in funeral ceremony or Buddhism ceremony.

I use Husband's surname in Butsudan paper board.
Because I am married woman.
Please use your current surname/family name.
Don't use your previous name if you are a married woman.
Previous name user will be troubled in many way.
Once women are married,they enter into husband's family line.
Family line = Invisible DNA group with dead ancestors.
Dead ancestors are always observing their descendants to guard.
But if wife continue using former surname,she is not protected by husband's DNA group.
To get into new family line,use husband's surname.
This is one of the secret for happy marriage life and long lasting happiness in family.

In Japan,there are many spiritual businesses of Butsudan and Kamidana.
For example,there are many Buddhism priests for Butsudan ritual in our house.
They sing Buddhism song in front of each Butsudan or in traditional ancestor ceremony.
Butsudan holders pay money for it.
This is quite misunderstood business.
First of all,the Buddhism song is not clear in Japanese language.
They sing it but normal people really don't know about the lyrics.
If I can't understand the lyrics = My ancestors can't understand too
Important words for Butsudan table is thankful words that you are using now.
We don't have to Buddhist priests in Butsudan ritual.
Because it is only for between same DNA holders.(Ancestors and their living descendants)
Meanwhile,there are also stupid Shinto priests too.
Some stupid Shinto priests visit each house and pray for Kamidana table.
Kamidana holders pay for the praying.
The praying is not for local nature gods,priests pray for happiness in each house.
I can't believe this.This is also terrible business style.
Kamidana is just a invitation table for local nature gods.
Nature gods visit our kamidana from some shrines and they protect the area.
Shrine = area protect system / Kamidana = smaller area protect system
If we care Kamidana everyday,nature gods are able to visit our Kamidana.
Agents are not needed at all.
But this is Japanese situation.

Bird's eye view of Butsudan

Please image like this↓
The first incense for all men ancestors or your father's ancestors.
The second incense for all women ancestors or your mother's ancestors.
(1st and 2nd incenses = Exclusive incenses only for your same surname group)

The third incense is very special stick for all your concerned dead people,friends,
and someone that you don't know.
They didn't have same surname,but it is no problem.
My ancestors of parents family are included in the third incenses.
So,I don't have to use previous surname.
Thanks to my true Butsudan ritual,my mom's depression was cured gradually.
In fact,she had suffered more than 20 years.
This is also Butsudan power.Because the third stick heals my parents ancestors line.

Butsudan summary / How to do