Health information

 Japanese people have the longest life expectancy and Healthy life years.
It means Japan's fundamental National power,cleanliness in life,
and high-level excess medical support and so on.
In Japan,people often visit hospital without hesitation 
because medical bills are always low.
Japanese medical doctor's level is not so good.
They are just trying to make money from patients with extra medicines.
But we have good life expectancy as a whole.

Other essential reason is a Japanese food habit.
We always drink tea and other no-sugar drink with meal.
and also eat some fermented foods(Natto,Miso-soup,Soy sauce,Pickled vegetables)

But today,I would like to share a little information of health.
Medical or healthy information must be the latest because knowledge is always progressing
day by day.
So,health book or fixed convictions are totally meaningless.

About water
$1.51 at Pharmacy
Please drink Distilled water not a mineral water.
It has no extra ingredients even trihalomethane and radioactive things.
All things are removed.This is very important point.
Distilled water + Healthy foods = Prevents diseases
Distilled water delivers nutrients to you smoothly and effectively.
(Especially,warm distilled water is perfect for your health)

I always use it for soup not only drinking water.
If you are woman,please drink coffee and other tea after meal.(1-2 hours later)
Caffeine prevents absorption of iron.

Mineral water,spring water and filtered water is not good if you always drink it.
It may cause calculus and other negative troubles.

There is a nice "Distilled water maker" of Japan.( USA link)
Exclusive use cleaner is not needed.
Buy Citric acid powder at pharmacy.
I am going to buy the maker because it is not expensive.
I think I can use it 10 years at least.
Bottled distilled water is expensive.
Also, this water maker will help you when you are in emergency disasters.
You can make distilled water from dirty river water.
In emergency situation,electric power is always recovered at first.
So,you can use it.

About meat and fish
If you don't have allergy,please eat them.
I never eat too much but always eat them.
Don't remove them thoroughly.
Animal protein is also important as a kind of magic for long active life.
Perfectly animal protein removed meal cause depression and weak constitution in your old age.

About carbohydrate
If you don't have allergy,please eat them a little.
Low carbo meal is good.
But don't remove them thoroughly.
Perfectly carbo-removed meal cause cognitive impairment and depression in your old age.

About sugar and salt
This is bigger problem than above issues.
Blood sugar level and high blood pressure are more important than any other health care.
Human health depends on Blood vessel's condition.
Use coconut sugar(Low GI food) not a white sugar.
These are totally different.
High cholesterol level is caused by high blood sugar level not from your un-healthy meal.
To protect your blood vessel,cholesterol is created by your body.
So,if you have high cholesterol level,please eat less sugar.
Sun-dried salt never cause high blood pressure because it contains minerals.
It is slightly wet and sweet.
Artificial salt is evil.

About exercise
Everybody knows that frequent exercise prevents cancer and other ill.
It is more effective than good eating habits.
Fast walking or light exercise are the best.
Running and marathon are not good because 
many old people are suffering by decreasing of knee joint's buffer.
They were pro-athletes or active person in their young age.
Don't use your legs too much.
Hard training is also not good.
It cause fast oxidation of body.
Ageing means body gradual oxidation.

About fruits
Very good foods but don't eat too much.
Some young women eat fruits too much in the morning.
Fruits have scums.
It prevents pregnancy.
Apple and banana are perfect fruits each other.
So,please don't mix it with other fruits
to protect its nutrition balance.

I am going to add the latest information on this page with red letters.
Please check it.