Kojiki ⑥ / Japanese basic mythology / Sister and brother

Kojiki is Japanese prime mythology.
Japanese shrines and culture are based on Kojiki.
Preceding stories → ,,,,

After the oath ceremony,Amaterasu,the god of the sun, said that
"Women gods are your children because they were made from your belonging.
Men gods are my children because they were made from my accessory."

"I am so proud of the result.
My women gods are derived from my pure heart.I won!"
Susanoo said so and destroyed fields in Amaterasu world's land with his hubris.
In addition,important palace was stained by his shit.

Amaterasu protected his ill deeds.
She said to other gods.
"I think Susanoo just wanted to re-create my world's fields...
He was probably drunk when he caused shit problem."

But he continued naughty violent actions.
One day,he threw skin peeled horse into weaving house.
A lady in the house was so surprised and died because of the accident.

Amaterasu was also shocked by the accident and hid into a cave.
The world became completely dark and black.
Countless harms occurred.
Other gods had a meeting to come her back again.
The meeting place,Amanoyasukawa (River beach)
"We have to recover our sunshining world."
They decided to have a funny festival in front of the cave.
They tried to attract Amaterasu's attention by the festival.
Gods really got excited and laughed with music.

Amaterasu came out from the cave because she wondered what it sounds funny.
This scene is very famous in Japanese mythology.
Laughter is very important when we are in sad situation.
It makes all things good.
After that,the cave was closed with Shimenawa rope.
Shimenawa rope is sacred item in Shinto.It protects inside of shrine.
And it means never ending sunshine world.

Amanoiwato-jinjya shrine worships Amaterasu and it protects the cave as god.

Amaterasu came back but Susanoo was exiled from the heaven world by other gods.
To tell the truth,,Susanoo was exiled by other gods in heaven world.
This exiled scene means human's sin and false accusation.
Sometimes important person is misunderstood by majority.
We have to know about this repeated bad habits.
Many people are always immature because they don't think about evidence by their own.
People just believe other majority's idea or thought.
But the idea may be created with malice.
Japanese mythology is Jewish history too.
If you read all my blog,you will understand what I saying.
Susanoo represents all human beings.
Susanoo represents Jewish people.

Kojiki series → ,,,,

Photos by wikipedia